Lecture # 2: Installation and Local Setup

Lecture # 2: Installation and Local Setup

Installation of Pycharm and setup on Windows.

Follow the steps for installation and setup of pycharm:

  1. Download Pycharm:

    PyCharm is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for Python development. To download pycharm Click Here. There will be two editions. Make sure you download the community edition.

  1. Install Pycharm:

  • Open the .exe file that you just downloaded.

  • Click on 'Next >' button.

  • Select the location for installation and click on the 'Next >' button.

  • Select all the options and click on 'Next >' button.

  • Don't make any changes and click on 'Install' button.

  • Installation will be started. This will take some time.

  • Click on the 'Finish' button.

  • A shortcut will be created on the desktop.

  1. Launch Pycharm:

  • Open Pycharm.

  • Select the checkbox and click on 'Continue' button.

  • Our Pycharm is launched successfully.

  • We'll be creating our first python program in the next lecture.