Module 3: Python
Lecture # 1: Introduction to Python
Lecture # 2: Installation and Local Setup
Lecture # 3: First Python Program
Lecture # 4: Python IDE vs Simple File Editor
Lecture # 5: Strings and Number Data Types in Python
Lecture # 6: Variables in Python
Lecture # 7: Functions in Python
Lecture # 8: Accepting User Input in Python
Lecture # 9: Conditionals and Boolean Data Type in Python
Lecture # 10: Error Handling with Try-Except in Python
Lecture # 11: While Loop in Python
Lecture # 12: Lists and For Loop in Python
Lecture # 13: Sets in Python
Lecture # 14: Dictionary Data Type in Python
Lecture # 15: Modules in Python
Lecture # 16: Packages, PyPI, and pip
Lecture # 17: Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects
Project # 1: API Request to GitLab